Closing Chapters and Reflection on LIFE

So Life is full of Chapters, we open and close them all the time. Some we do consciously and some we do without even knowing we doing it. Just this year I have moved cities and started a new job as well, just to name a few. The thing that gets to me is that most of the time we do not take time to reflect and possibly learn from the things we have left behind.

I have been doing some of this lately and find myself often asking ” Is this what I want ? ” You see life just passes us so fast that we hardly even get a chance to come up for air. So here is my challenge to you, come up for air. Take the time to look back and make sure you heading in the right direction. If you close a chapter of your life, make sure that it is closed and that you have learnt the lessons from it so that you don’t make the same mistakes again.

Take a bit more charge of the things you can control in your life and try and not waste time on the things that you cant, stop worrying and wasting energy on things that might still happen because the funny thing about that is that maybe they wont even happen and then you have wasted all that time.

Live each day to the fullest and put your energy into good things and good people and on things that make a difference and that you can sink teeth into. Control your thoughts and make sure that you do not allow negative ones to take control over you and your actions.

Today I heard something that made me think a lot, ” Don’t be fooled: Bad company will always corrupt good character.” Be sure to think about that, because you will almost always be judged by the company you keep.

STOP blaming life or other things that happen to you. There is something that you can be certain of, Bad things will happen to good people all the time for no particular reason. You are not special and the world doesn’t owe you anything. We all have our fair share of crap going on, so you are no different.

The difference only comes in with how we deal with it. So make the choices, no matter how tough and deal with things head on and No matter how hard the lesson, learn from it and move on with a smile of your face.

Waking up each morning is a gift and not a right, make sure you don’t waste today as you may never get the chance again.

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